We educate, research, and apply the theory and practice of veterinary clinical medicine and related disciplines to animals. We also cultivate veterinary leaders of outstanding character and specialized professionals in veterinary medicine according to the development of genetic engineering and biotechnology. We cultivate excellent professionals who can engage in related life sciences such as medicine, pharmacy, and public health and competitive veterinarians in the era of globalization to contribute to the health of the nation, society, and humanity.
- LocationRoom 223, Veterinary Medicine Bldg.
- Tel 02-450-3708
- Fax 02-450-3037
Educational Goals
The College of Veterinary Medicine aims to provide the highest quality veterinary education, research, and practice that the public trusts and its members are proud of, based on the educational philosophy of the founding university: sincerity, fidelity, and righteousness. We aim to educate leading veterinarians who protect the health of animals, people, and the environment based on the value of respect for life.